Mosque Development

Zakat, Almsgiving in Islam, Charity in Islam
“Whoever builds a mosque, desiring thereby Allah’s pleasure, Allah builds for him the like of it in paradise.”
- [Bukhari]


Mosque Development, Building Mosque, Mosque renovationAt Bismillah, we understand that social development is impossible without spiritual and personal development. In most cities and villages, mosques act as community centers, places of learning, and also a place where personal and spiritual development happens. Mosques are highly spiritual places where men and women are united in worship, solace, and support. They are the center of any community where individuals and communities congregate for their five daily prayers and Friday congregation sermons. Ultimately, it’s a place where Muslims can come together for prayers, information, education, and meetings. At Bismillah, we focus on building Mosques that act as the heart of local communities.

Your Sadaqah Jariya will offer benefits for generations to come. By contributing to Mosque Development in a community or place, you will earn the reward of providing a community with a house of Allah. Moreover, by helping and contributing to our Mosque Development program, you give people the symbol of hope, education, spirituality, and the heart of the community.

Bismillah’s comprehensive Mosques Development project includes:
  • Building mosques for communities
  • Providing grants to renovate existing mosques
  • Supporting mosque libraries
  • Supporting community education initiatives