The Importance Of Charity In Islam

  • Jun 20, 2022
  • admin

Muslims worldwide follow five fundamental pillars called the Five pillars of Islam. These five pillars are as follows:

  • First Pillar: Shahada (Declaration of Faith)
  • Second Pillar: Salah (Prayer)
  • Third Pillar: Zakat (Almsgiving)
  • Fourth Pillar: Sawn (Fasting)
  • Fifth Pillar: Hajj (Pilgrimage)

Here we will talk about the third pillar of Islam- Zakat, Almsgiving, or Charity. Zakat is purification, which means that if somebody donates an amount of money, the money one's left with is legally and religiously pure.

According to Prophet Muhammad (S.A.W), "A man's true wealth is the good he does in this world."

Once you donate, the donation balances one's wealth while helping the community. Then, to donate again, one works again and attains more growth. According to Prophet Muhammad (S.A.W), "Charity doesn't decrease Wealth." Therefore, everyone who follows Islam must follow Zakat those who can do. Moreover, Zakat is the responsibility of every Muslim to help those who need something and work toward removing inequality in this world.

In Islam, one donates money to get a reward from God, but some people voluntarily donate without any wantting rewards. This voluntary charity is Sadaqah. The Prophet Muhammad (S.A.W.) says, "Sadaqah wipes out sins like water extinguishes fire." Also, Muslims must give financial support to the poor and those living on the streets. When one gives Zakat, there are five principles that one must follow to do it properly.

The first principle is that whenever one gives to charity, one must declare to God the intention behind that donation. As the Quran [75;10] says, "Those who spend in charity will be richly rewarded."

Secondly, one must pay the Zakat on the day one said to pay, i.e., it should not delay from its due date.  Al-Tirmidhi says, "Give charity without delay, for it stands in the way of calamity."

The third principle states that you must not overspend your money more than usual once you donate the money. As the Prophet Muhammad (S.A.W) says, "The best charity is given by one who has little."

The fourth principle is kindness. It states that you should be kind when making the payment. Zakat doesn't have to be in the form of money. If you are rich enough, you must donate a portion of your wealth to the needy. If you do not have money to donate, you share kindness and do good deeds. As the Prophet Muhammad (S.A.W) says, "Every Act of Kindness is Charity."

So, Zakat makes a person a good person, and it is important for every person in Islam; as the Prophet Muhammad (S.A.W) said- "The Charity you give will be your shade on the Day of Judgement."

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